A-Train operates the high-speed shuttle rail service between Stockholm and Arlanda under the brand name Arlanda Express and manages the Arlandabanan infrastructure. It is the contracting party to AIAB.
A-Train operates the high-speed shuttle rail service between Stockholm and Arlanda under the brand name Arlanda Express and manages the Arlandabanan infrastructure. It is the contracting party to AIAB.
Arlandabanan Infrastructure AB is owned by the state and manages the state’s rights and obligations concerning Arlandabanan.
Is what A-Train’s high-speed shuttle rail service between Stockholm and Arlanda is called.
Please see AIAB above.
Is the state-owned company that owns, manages and develops property consisting of stations, offices, maintenance depots and freight terminals along the Swedish railway system.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) involves a contract between a public sector authority, in this case the state, and the business sector to join in a common project with regard to funding, construction and operations.
The state, through the Swedish National Debt Office, issued a loan amounting to SEK 1 billion to A-Train, which is to be repaid as a share of future profits, called royalty.
A contract outlining the performance of services with regard to, for example, rail transport which signifies that remuneration for these services in full or partly consists of the right to utilise services, i.e. the service provider assumes risk in conjunction with the provided service and receives compensation from users, for example through fees.
Is a state-owned company with the task to operate profitable passenger rail services.
AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik is Region Stockholm’s company that manages the operative administration of public transport in Stockholm County.
Is the state-owned company that owns, operates and develops 11 airports, including Arlanda.
An artificial ground surface consisting of different textures, adhesive strips or metal rails to assist people who are visually impaired or blind.
UL is an administrative authority in Region Uppsala that manages the operative administration of public transport in Uppsala County.